We are your international and local experts in Italian construction practices and government relations.
Our team provides comprehensive consulting services across construction, planning, and engineering, with specialists in every step of the process.
From architects and engineers to environmental technicians, we support our distinguished international clients through every stage of their projects in Italy.
Our government relations experts and key external consultants ensure a deep understanding of the country’s legislative context, enabling us to deliver a professional and worry-free service.
Il membro del Consiglio Ue ha affermato che per rafforzare la democrazia e quindi sconfiggere il terrorismo è necessaria un'intensa cooperazione tra Europa e Stati Uniti
Michele Bonino, architect, is Full Professor of Architectural and Urban Planning at the Turin Polytechnic, where he is the Rector’s Delegate for Relations with China and Asian Countries.
La mattina del 2 giugno 2007 ero a casa con la famiglia quando mi ha telefonato l’allora preside di Architettura Carlo Olmo. Era arrivata una delegazione dalla Cina e mi chiedeva di aiutarlo ad